
There some global options available in neo4j-rest-client that change internal behaviours.


If CACHE is True, a .cache directory is created and the future requests to the same URL will be taken from cache:

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.CACHE = False  # Default

The location and name of the .cache can be changed by modifying the option CACHE_STORE.

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.CACHE_STORE = "/path/to/cache"

The neo4j-rest-client’s cache is implemented using CacheControl for requests, so you shouldn’t have any problem using your own custom cache (e.g LocMemCache from Django):

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.CACHE_STORE = LocMemCache()


If DEBUG is True, httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel is set to 1, and requests enables its logger:

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.DEBUG = False   # Default


There is experimental support for date, time, and datetime objects since Neo4j does not support natively (yet) those data types. What neo4j-rest-client does is to use a specific format to store them as strings, and convert them from Python objects to string (and viceversa) when needed.

To enable this feature you can set SMART_DATES to True:

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.SMART_DATES = False  # Default

The format in which date, time, and datetime objects are stored can be changed by modifying the next values:

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
>>> neo4jrestclient.options.TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S.%f"
>>> neo4jrestclient.options.DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"


And SMART_ERRORS, set to False by default. In case of True, the standard HTTP errors will be replaced by more pythonic errors (i.e. KeyError instead of NotFoundError in some cases):

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.SMART_ERRORS = False  # Default


It is extremely weird to have the need to change this option, but in case that you need a different name for the memory variable that will store in progress transactions (aka batch operations), you can do that with TX_NAME:

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.TX_NAME = "_tx"  # Default


When using transactional Cypher endpoint behind SSL, Neo4j fails to returns the right URI, (mistakenly produces http instead of https, and localhost:0 instead of the actual URI). By using this option neo4jrestclient can rewrite those URIs to the right one. It is disabled by default (set to None)

For example, to replace “http://localhost:0/” with “https://db.host.com:8000/”, you will need a dictionary like:

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.URI_REWRITES = {
    {"http://localhost:0/": "https://db.host.com:8000/",

If the order of the replace operation is important, a SortedDict can be used.


This option is used to set to True the verification of SSL certificates. By default is set to False

>>> neo4jrestclient.options.VERIFY_SSL = False  # Default